Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Big Corral Horseback Ride

We took a horseback ride with Big Corral and Vallecito Outfitters just up the road (CR 501). It was a lot of fun riding thru the aspens wearing their fall colors. I was just Derick and I and our wrangler. She told us next Saturday would be their last day rides. They let the horses rest up while the tourists are slowly leaving the area and the hunting season approaches. We decided a half day ride is about as long a ride we could handle and be comfortable. We we're right...! These are some pictures of the Big Corral Stables and the ride we took thru the Weminuche Wilderness at Vallecito Lake

Lindsey our wrangler and guide for the day
Derick enjoying the scenic view while taking a break at the high point on the trail. 
The weather was perfect for horseback riding, the air was crisp and the sun warm.

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